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Build your

base camp

Your launch pad to peak experiences

Going remote doesn't have to mean going without

Imagine if you could customise your level of comfort and convenience the next time you go off-grid and into the wild. Dometic makes it easy to build your base camp – from the fundamentals of shelter, cooking, storage, to the small luxuries of exceptionally comfortable camp furniture and sleek and functional drinkware.


is working

Adventure with the crew

If you’ve got a whole tribe in tow on your outdoor adventure, check out Dometic’s range of practical and reliable storage and outdoor furniture options. Fond of your mod cons and five-star camp cuisine? Then add-in something from Dometic’s premium power, refrigeration and high-end cooking solutions.

Brinkley Davies

Craft your perfect outdoor retreat

Dometic offers a range of clever, well-designed camping and outdoors equipment. We are really offering the tools for transcendence, to allow you to venture as far and as deep into the natural world, and your own potential, as you crave without sacrificing comfort and convenience.

