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Dometic RM 8500


This 106 l fridge is both flexible and easy to use. Remove the freezer compartment and re-arrange shelves to have it just the way you need it. Also perfectly silent.

Art nr: 9105704171

Installation manual.pdf

Installation Manual


DoC 20190711 C40 110

Declarations of Conformity


Dometic 8 Series (RM 8400, RM8401, RM8405, RM8500, RM8501, RM8505, RM 8550, RM8551, RM8555, RMS8400, RMS8401, RMS8405, RMS8460, RMS8461, RMS8465, RMS8500, RMS8501, RMS8505, RMS8550, RMS8551, RMS8555, RML8550, RML8551, RML8555, RMSL8500, RMSL8501, RMSL8505) - Operating Manual EMEA(en-de)

Operating Manual


Dometic RM 8400 RM 8401 RM 8405 RM 8500 RM 8501 RM 8505 RM 8550 RM 8551 RM 8555RMS 8400 RMS 8401 RMS 8405 RMS 8460 RMS 8461 RMS 8465 RMS 8500 RMS 8501RMS 8505 RMS 8550 RMS 8551 RMS 8555 RML 8550 RML 8551 RML 8555 RMSL 8500 RMSL 8501 RMSL 8505 - Operating Manual EMEA11

Operating Manual


Dometic RM8xxx, RMS8xxx, RML8xxx, RMSL8xxx - Installation Manual EMEA(en-de)

Installation Manual


Dometic RM 8xxx, RMS 8xxx, RML 8xxx, RMSL 8xxx - Operating Manual EMEA(en-pt)

Operating Manual


Dometic RM 8xxx, RMS 8xxx, RML 8xxx, RMSL 8xxx - Installation Manual EMEA(en-es)

Installation Manual


Dometic RM 8xxx, RMS 8xxx, RML 8xxx, RMSL 8xxx - Installation Manual EMEA(en-pt)

Installation Manual


Dometic RM 8xxx, RMS 8xxx, RML 8xxx, RMSL 8xxx - Operating Manual EMEA(en-es)

Operating Manual


Dometic RM 8xxx, RMS 8xxx, RML 8xxx, RMSL 8xxx - Installation Manual EMEA(en-fr-de-it)

Installation Manual


Dometic RM 8xxx, RMS 8xxx, RML 8xxx, RMSL 8xxx - Operating Manual EMEA(en-de-fr-it)

Operating Manual

Freedom to cool

Freedom to cool

The Dometic 8 series fridge and freezer is designed to adapt to your unique and changing needs. The freezer, patented for its ease of removal, can both increase the refrigeration space to a massive 106 l while also reducing energy consumption. Interior shelves can be flexibly arranged to maximize the generous storage capacity, while the three-way power – AC, DC and Gas – allow users the freedom to travel anywhere! The absorption cooling technology is perfectly silent and the Automatic Energy Selector gives you one less decision to think about: prioritizing AC, then DC and finally Gas power. Fingertip door opening and LED interior lights boost convenience further. The secure door lock and "door ajar" alarm guard against any accidents, leaving you free to enjoy your trip!

Who needs electricity? Absorption fridges do not.

Who needs electricity? Absorption fridges do not.

Absorption cooling is well-known for its reliable, silent cooling. But do you know how it works? Well, firstly, a concentrated ammonia solution is heated in a boiler and expelled as vapor. The pressurized ammonia gas then liquefies in a condenser. When supplied with hydrogen, it evaporates and in the process extracts heat from the refrigerator thus lowering its temperature. The ammonia gas then enters the absorber where it is reabsorbed in a weak solution of ammonia. Finally, this saturated solution flows back to the boiler where the whole cycle starts again. And the fact this process does not need electricity – heating from a gas flame works fine – gives users the freedom to travel off-grid!

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