FAQ Plafonniers de VDL et Baies structurées
Éclairage de toit
- Comment nettoyer au mieux les fenêtres de mon camping-car ou de ma caravane ?
- J'ai besoin d'un composant pour mon portillon de service/dôme de toit/fenêtre coulissante. Où puis-je en commander un ?
- Why is PMMA / acrylic used for the Rooflight panes?
- For which application are the Rooflights suitable?
- For which roof thickness are Rooflights suitable?
- I need to replace my current Rooflight, how do I know which Rooflight I have?
- What’s the weight of a Rooflight?
- What’s the aperture size (hole diameter) needed for a Rooflight?
- I see condensation in my Rooflight, how is this possible?
- I notice scratches on my Rooflight, how is this possible?
- I notice cracks in my Rooflight, how is this possible?
Baies encadrées
- Comment nettoyer au mieux les fenêtres de mon camping-car ou de ma caravane ?
- J'ai besoin d'un composant pour mon portillon de service/dôme de toit/fenêtre coulissante. Où puis-je en commander un ?
- Why is Polyurethane used for framed windows?
- Why is PMMA / acrylic used for the window-panes?
- For which application are the S4 and S7P windows suitable?
- For which wall thickness are S4 and S7P windows suitable?
- In which dimensions are S4 and S7P windows available?
- I need to replace my current S4 and S7P window, how do I know which window I have?
- I see condensation in my window, how is this possible?
- I notice scratches on my window, how is this possible?
- I notice cracks in my window, how is this possible?